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Aluminum Powder for ASC castable

May 07, 2020

1)Metal aluminum powder:aluminum powder can react with water to form H2, and Small vents left after discharging of H2, which is beneficial to discharge water especially free water inside and can prevent cracking during baking. What’s more, the power released by the reaction helps to accelerate dehydration and condensation rate, enhance the strength of castable. Besides, the Al(OH)3 gel produced by the reaction can also produce a new binder phase and improve the castable strength.
While, the addition of metal aluminum powder should not too much otherwise lots of H2 released and left too many vents so that cause a structure of osteoporosis, strength reduction and less resistance to erosion.
2)Retarder and coagulant: in order to adjust the service time of castable, retarder, and coagulant are added to improve the workability of castable. Frequently-used coagulants are followings: NaOH、KOH、Ca(OH)2、Na2CO3、K2CO3、Na2SiO3 and so on. While the frequently-used retarders are: NaCl、BaCl、MgCl2、CaCl2、citric acid、tartaric acid、glucose acid、ethanediol、phosphate and lignoiodate and so on.

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